Mary Undoer of Knots – Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Mary Undoer of Knots – Our Lady Undoer of Knots

Story goes to year 1615 in Germany where local couple Wolfgang and Sophia had issues in their marriage and husband asked for help local priest. In this times it was habit to have wedind rope as simbol of marriage. Priest have asked for rope of Wolgang and Sophia so he can pray upon it and ask Virgin Mary for her intercession. He prayed hard and long and than miracle has happened : rope began to shy with unexplained ligh. It happened that all issues thanks to devotion to Virgin Mary has gone and marriage was saved. As thanks for this beautiful family story of Wolfgang and Sophia grandkid Hieronymus has ordered painting which he gave as gift to church as altar painting and it was blessed as “ Our Lady of Good Counsel “. Later on painting was renamed as “Our Lady Undoer of Knots “.

Beautiful painting of Mary Undoer of Knots was done by Johan Melchior Schmittner year 1700 and it has hung in church of Saint Peter and Pearlac in Augsburg . Artist was inspired by Saint Irineus, Bishop and martyr of Lyon who tells us:

“ Eve, by her disobedience tied the knot of suffering for humanity; Mary, on the contrary, by her obedience has undone it.

If we look painting of Mary Undoer of Knots we are going to see Angels that surroud Virgin Mary. This two Angels serve to her and they are with us because they have task to keep us from evil. They are there to help us in our spiritual life in our way to her Son. They are uniting our prayer with their’s to be raised to Heaven like incense. One angel from Virgin Mary left side have tape-path of our life , which is full of knots ( knots are parts of our life’s : our filings, families, professional, social … issues ).
This good Angel looks to his Queen, shoving our tape-path by saying : we believe in You, our Mother, You can help us to undue knots of our lifes. Mary Undoer of Knots takes rope in her compassionate hands and undue knots one by one. This tape ( rope ) shapes new way, liberated from all knots that has tied it.

Second Angel ( from Virgin Mary right side ) gets closer to us , takes rope-tape of our lifes, looks to us and says: “ Look what Virgin Mary Undoer of Knots has done! Look what Virgin Mary can do with her intercession! Believe in Her! Tell to Her yours fears, illness and problems.

On bottom of painting which is dark we can see one Angel leading person to church which is on top of mountain. That is Archangel Raphael that follow Tobia to meet Sarah which God has liberated from evil spirit and gave to Tobiah for wife.

Mary Undoer of Knots has became famous because of Pope Francis. He was defending doctors dissertation 1980 in Augsburg where he saw painting of Virgin Mary Undoer of Knots . He fall in love with this baroque painting so he decided to make few reproductions of it and he brought it back to his home country in Argentina and spread it among people in church . After few years he wrote theological meaning to this painting and first prayer. Novena to Virgin Mary Undoer of Knots is Pope’s Francis favourite novena.

Today we have many churches devoted to Mary Undoer of Knots and it is wery well known among millions of chatolics who were helped because of devotion to Her .

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